Larry Hogue

A note from Jim Gerlock. I have a copy of his book.


 I always wondered what it would be like to write a crazy off the wall novel.  So I wrote one which is now published on Amazon, Kindle etc.  The story takes place in a small town south of Macon.  Its historical backdrop is US 41 back in the late 50’s and early 60’s when small towns along this route were being bypassed by I-75.  I’ve always been fascinated by Old Dixie Highway history which later became US 41 and enjoyed looking at the old gas station, tourist court and restaurant abandoned south of Perry.  Much has been written about the old highway, but little is told about what happened to these towns when they were bypassed by I-75.   Writing it last summer, my story got out of hand and turned into a mystery novel with I believe 52 down home characters all trying to survive in an economic depressed town bypassed by I-75.  And they tried to do it in an extremely desperate way.  The book cover is a section of middle Georgia Old Dixie Hwy 1925. (See Jim’s page)


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